Starting to feel a cold or flu coming on? If you have a juicer, juice 2 oz. of ginger and add 2 oz. of lemon juice (and 2 oz. of water to dilute it) and gulp it down fast. After the burn is gone, you'll start to feel much better!
No juicer? Slow boil a small handful of black peppercorns (pictured) and 4 or 5 slices of ginger. After you strain it, sip on the tea while you take a hot bath with bath salts or Epsom salts.
Adding essential oils to your bath water can help with cold and flu symptoms. Some common oils used include eucalyptus, peppermint, tea tree, frankincense, chamomile, and lavender.
If you want to add essential oils to the bath, the trick is to put 10-15 drops on the Epsom salts before you put the salts into the water. This will help to disperse and hold the essential oils in the bath instead of just floating on the top of the water.
Be sure to finish the bath with a cold shower, wrap up in lots of blankets and go to sleep.