Sat Nam Rasayan® Workshop

Sat Nam Rasayan® Workshop
with Hargopal Kaur Khalsa

Saturday May 20, 2018 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Lunch included.

Sat Nam Rasayan® is an ancient yogic healing modality. The consciousness in SNR is a sacred space of healing, a meditative state, in which blocks to health, resistance to the flow of life, and self-limiting concepts can be dissolved. Yogi Bhajan described SNR® as “ultra relaxation.” A person relaxes so deeply that their system lets go of what isn’t working for them. Whether a person has issues physically, emotionally, or mentally, the deep relaxation of SNR® supports a person to be able to let go of what is holding them in a state of dis-ease.

In this class, we will be healing one another and will learn the basics of SNR®. SNR® is considered to be the healing branch of Kundalini Yoga. From the yoga of awareness, we step into consciousness – awareness – of how to move through the meditative healing space, releasing what isn’t serving. This can be applied to others as well as to yourself.

Hargopal Kaur Khalsa is a practitioner of Sat Nam Rasayan®, having studied with Teacher Guru Dev Singh for 30 years. She has been a student of Yogi Bhajan since the late 70’s. Currently, Hargopal has a healing practice and teaches SNR® in the USA and Canada. She is also a facilitator of Family Constellations, addressing intergenerational issues, informed by her SNR® practice. By training, Hargopal is a physicist. She has built upon her early love of Physics to understand reality into the vast metaphysical realms. She has a passion for teaching these pragmatic healing approaches that combine compassion, service, self-transformation, consciousness, and upliftment.

Hargopal will be available for Sat Nam Rasayan® healing sessions as well as Family Constellations on Saturday evening and Sunday, May 21, 2018.

$108 pre-registered by April 20 or $125 after; Make checks payable to GRD.
The class will be at Mukta and Gurusahay Khalsa’s home
For more information contact Mukta at 770-551-0155 [email protected]